The Psalmist was drawn to study the Scriptures;

The Word of God became a special treasure.

He determined that he would serve the LORD;

For this was the appropriate response to God.


He knew the challenges that lay ahead;

There would come problems from the wicked.

He would have to face possible opposition;

But to the LORD he would give his devotion.


He knew that he must make some determinations;

He made a list of things he would do as confirmation.

He will walk in liberty, free from the shackles of sin;

He would seek God’s grace and mercy for cleansing.


He will delight himself in the study of the Scriptures;

He had already forsaken the world’s treasures.

He will lift up his hands in prayer and praise;

He will trust that God would grant His grace!


Inspiration: Psalm 119:41-48

Charles Tan