(A Communion Poem)


God the Father had called His Son in righteousness,

He would be there for Him in great steadfastness.

He would give the Spirit in all His glorious power;

He would not need to be afraid in the darkest hour!


The Father will uphold Him in all the work entrusted;

There would never be a time that is not monitored.

Even when it comes to great and painful suffering;

The Father’s Presence and Love would forthcoming.


The relationship between the Father and the Son,

Is breath-takingly beautiful; they were truly One.

In the morning, every day, before the sun had arisen;

The Son would be in prayer and in precious communion.


Thus, the Son found strength to cope in His darkest hour;

God’s strength was found, there was glorious power.

How wonderful it is to know that the Father holds our hand;

There need not be fear because everything has been planned!


Inspiration: Isaiah 42:6

Charles Tan