The women disciples had watched where Jesus was laid;
Their dawn-visit to His tomb was a beautiful love displayed.
They were all ready with spices and oils for their beloved Lord;
But they came to an empty tomb! Jesus had been raised by God!
They went away to inform the Eleven about the empty grave;
Mary, grief-struck, did not know what to believe, or how to behave!
Then she heard an unmistakable voice and she spun around;
She saw her beloved Master and He was well and sound!
She ran to Him with joy and clung to Him with all her heart;
The Lord had risen and never more would He ever depart!
Then the most beautiful and precious words were uttered;
“I go to My Father, and your Father-” Faith is all that mattered!
Faith in the Lord Jesus raised from the dead brings immense hope;
We can face the darkest trials and know that we can more than cope!
The power that raised Jesus from the dead belongs to God alone;
Thank God that we may speak of the Risen Saviour as our very own!
Inspiration: John 20:11-18
Charles Tan