There may be times when we will feel troubled,

God seems far away, and we feel sad and miserable.

The more we think, the worse we seem to feel,

How we must cry out to God for Him to heal!


There is a way out of our terrible feelings of misery,

Take time to remember God’s works prayerfully!

His works are many and they can bring joy and hope,

The Lord will give us grace that we may be able to cope.


The works of God are truly great and wonderful,

They teach us that God is good and merciful.

The ways of God are in His glorious sanctuary,

They may be understood if we seek Him truly.


God declares His strength and shows us His power,

We will find revival if we seek Him this very hour.

Who is so great as the Lord who hears our prayer?

God is in His sanctuary! We will find Him there!


Inspiration: Psalm 77:11

Charles Tan