Praise is an important feature of our worship of God;

Only whole-hearted praise is worthy to present to the LORD!

The heart, the mind and indeed the depths of the soul;

All must be united fully, or else worship is flat and cold!


There are so many reasons why such worship must be given

The very Being of God must be borne in mind, He who sits in heaven.

His lovingkindness is rich and wonderful and profusely manifest;

These inspire the soul to give to the LORD God, our very best!


Then there are personal reasons why we want to praise God this way;

He has answered our prayers and He has kept us faithfully every day.

The hand of the LORD is unmistakable and truly profound;

Our worship must see heartfelt-praise, His throne surrounds.


The LORD our God is worthy to praised and worshipped with our heart;

He will perfect that which concerns us and He will never be far apart.

Let there be glorious praise given to the LORD our wonderful God;

Let His name ever be remembered happily and His Being truly adored!


Inspiration: Psalm 138

Charles Tan