We must stand astonished at God’s great promise of blessing;

His seven-fold blessing indicates depth of thought in vital things.

His Word is worth our while to give time for meaningful meditation;

Our faith will be that much stronger through deep contemplation!


Divine deliverance is a precious thing to experience;

That we have the right response is of obvious importance.

In His gracious plan He will also set us on high;

To all our prayers, He has promised to reply.


The Lord’s promise of His presence is precious;

That He would also give honour is truly glorious.

He knows our desire to live a little longer on earth;

He will also give a wonderful sense of purpose.


The Salvation that God gives has many dimensions;

He will reveal His plans as we practise meditation.

To give a seven-fold blessing is truly astonishing;

How we must ever seek to offer heartfelt thanksgiving!


Inspiration: Psalm 91

Charles Tan