The LORD graciously made Himself known to Abraham;

He showed Himself to Isaac and Jacob from Heaven’s realm.

They had learned great lessons about God Almighty;

He was their God from the earliest days of antiquity.


There came a time when Israel suffered great oppression;

Egypt and Pharaoh sought to bring about terrible repression.

But the Lord was there with His people all along;

He sent them deliverance and made them strong.


He raised up Moses to be a mighty servant who served faithfully;

He was the one who was deeply committed to serving diligently.

He discovered the ways of God and taught them as Scripture;

These became the Laws of Israel, profound in every feature.


The acts of God were also made known to the children of Israel;

God was not just a Great Being in Heaven but was totally real!

He was there with His people to give them needed protection;

The LORD revealed Himself most clearly in His provision!


Inspiration : Psalm 103:1-7

Charles Tan