It was God Himself who taught Israel about worship;

Mankind may enjoy deep and meaningful fellowship!

Man and His Creator may have a special Oneness;

But Man must first be cleansed from unrighteousness.


The offerings to be presented pointed to cleansing;

Only then would worship have the desired meaning.

But the focus was never on mere ritualism;

The offerings had a deep sense of symbolism.


There were lessons that Man needed to learn;

He must remember that God is in Heaven.

His will is perfect and to be fully obeyed;

Fulfilling His word must not be delayed.


The Lord Jesus Himself is our Example;

He lived His life based on holy Principles.

He knew and loved the LORD;

He sought to fulfil the will of God!


Inspiration: Psalm 40:6-8; Hebrews 10:5-10

Charles Tan