It is good to have principles to guide us,

To help us lead a life of uprightness.

It is wise to refrain from meddling in people’s lives;

Because that could stir up even more strife.


But what happens when the wicked arise?

That they seek to oppress is no surprise.

Do we keep quiet because we want to avoid trouble?

Our conscience would be on fire, that is unavoidable.


The prayer from our heart must be one that is sincere;

We must know the LORD’s will; it must be very clear!

Can we remain silent, when wickedness abounds?

How do we respond when evil seeks to surround?


“LORD, make me know my end,” must be our prayer;

We need to respond; to the LORD we must repair.

We must be filled with strength and courage and speak;

We cannot be fearful; the LORD’s power we must seek!


Inspiration: Psalm 39:1-6

Charles Tan