The “Soul” is an entity that many do not know well;

The Body without the Soul is nothing more than a shell.

The true state of the Soul is important to know;

It can unfortunately lose its joyous glow.


The cares of the world can become a dead-weight;

The Soul can lose touch with God, it can be filled with hate.

There must  be earnest and humble prayers offered to God;

There is deep hollowness of life without the joy of the Lord.


When our Soul becomes unhappy and disgruntled;

That sends an indication that the individual is in trouble.

Prayers offered must be accompanied by true humility;

A genuine heart will be evidenced by great sincerity.


The plea for mercy can only be uttered by one who knows God;

There is great glory and majesty in the Being of the LORD.

He will hear our cries for mercy and our Soul He will restore;

There is no need for the Soul to remain unhappy and sore.

Inspiration: Psalm 86:3-4

Charles Tan