We live in a troubled world where evil seems to prevail;

The wicked prosper and the poor they continue to assail.

God is not in their thoughts, nor do they fear Him;

They grow deeper and deeper into their life of sin.


The powerful wicked appear to be above the law;

They seem to be mighty and their plots are without a flaw.

No one seems to be able to stem the tide of wickedness;

The poor, the humble, even the godly feel so helpless!


God seems far away, and His presence is not manifest;

He seems to have hidden Himself and appears powerless.

He has not done anything against the wicked at all;

He does not seem to answer when the oppressed call.


Faith is needed in the tough circumstances of life;

Maturity helps us recognize that sin can be rife.

But the Just must continue to exercise faith in God;

He must trust that Power still belongs to the LORD!



Inspiration: Psalm 10; Habakkuk 2:4

Charles Tan