The promise of the Lord to Israel was “the land;”

This word of promise was given to father Abraham.

The LORD would always uphold what He has said;

We must seek to hold fast, in our heart and our head!


The righteous was whom God had in mind;

He is one who is both merciful and kind.

His heart is not closed to the needy;

To help the poor, he is ever ready.


The blessing of the Lord will reach the next generation;

This is part of God’s graciousness in its extension.

The challenge is for the righteous to hold fast;

His life would be preserved, and he would last.
The wicked would never have such blessings;

They are forewarned, for they may have God’s cursing.

The righteous would never be forsaken;

The Lord watches over them from heaven.


Inspiration: Psalm 37:25-29

Charles Tan