When we go through intense suffering;

Our senses may indeed be reeling.

Pain can be excruciating and deep;

How may we endure pain so steep?


Let us think of our precious Saviour;

For mankind’s salvation He laboured.

They pierced His hands and feet cruelly;

He bore the deepest pain so patiently.


The enemies took away His dignity;

They gaped at Him most defiantly.

They gambled His clothes away;

Jesus bore this too without dismay!


Whatever we may suffer cannot be compared;

From the cruellest pain He was not spared!

If only we can appreciate the suffering of the Lord;

We would find comfort and consolation in God!


Inspiration: Psalm 22:16-18; Matthew 27:35; Mark 15:24-25; Luke 23:33-34; John 19:18, 23-24

Charles Tan