The human heart can be so torn and divided;

The prayer for a “United heart” is truly needed.

The heart can be drawn to the world unwisely;

The Lord’s grace must draw us back mercifully.


The heart can be distraught by many fears;

It needs to remember that the Lord is near.

The heart needs to be united to be strong;

Only then would there be a joyous song.


The heart must desire to find the right focus;

The praise of the Lord’s name must be foremost.

The Fear of the Lord would dispel “disunity;”

The heart would then find strength wonderfully.


And it all begins when we ask the Lord to teach us;

His truth, His ways must always be most precious.

There must be a genuine desire that comes from the heart;

To the diligent and faithful, great truths would the Lord impart.


Inspiration : Psalm 86: 11-12

Charles Tan