The faith of the righteous must be further cultivated;

Trust in the Lord must never be taken for granted.

The wicked may seem to prosper in their life;

Despite the fact that they create so much strife.


The righteous must learn to rest in the LORD;

He must not fret or worry but to trust in God.

Fretting will only bring harm in the long run;

It is wise to let go of anger, before the set of sun.


The righteous must also learn how to wait patiently;

God’s perfect plans would be fulfilled ultimately.

He has good plans for those who are truly meek;

They will surely inherit the earth, as God they seek.


The Lord will also give abundance of peace;

To the righteous, this promise is truly bliss!

It is not easy to cultivate true patience;

But this is a virtue of great importance!


Inspiration: Psalm 37:7-11

Charles Tan