The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus was foretold;
But the thought of death had made the heart cold.
The suffering of the Lord Jesus was horrendous;
The faith of the Disciples was almost in shambles!
They found the doctrine of the Resurrection hard to believe;
This great truth was particularly hard to understand and receive.
Mary Magdalene was there at the scene of the crucifixion;
She was filled with the deepest sense of sadness and depression.
She came to the Tomb where the Lord Jesus was buried lovingly;
She was dumbfounded when she found the Tomb empty.
She wept with newly added grief for she had not fully believed;
That the Lord Jesus had Risen from the dead was not perceived!
The Risen spoke wondrous words of great profundity;
He was ascending to “My Father, and your Father,” certainly.
The LORD was presented as “My God and Your God;”
How wonderful to truly and fully believe in our Risen Lord!
Inspiration: John 20:11-18
Charles Tan