Two Disciples were walking to Emmaus one day;

As they conversed together, they were in dismay.

The Lord Jesus joined them in their walk;

He kindly listened to them as they talked.


The Disciples spoke of the Lord Jesus feelingly;

They recounted all that had happened recently.

They knew that the Lord Jesus was crucified;

That He had died on the Cross was verified.


These Disciples knew all the facts about the Lord Jesus;

But they struggled over His resurrection which was incredulous.

The Lord Jesus listened to all the Disciples had to say;

Then He expounded the Scriptures along the way.


The Disciples had been slow of heart to fully believe;

Thus, their Faith in the Lord Jesus had not increased.

Facts are important, but Faith was needed badly;

The heart must find Faith to believe in God deeply!


Inspiration: Luke 24

Charles Tan