We stand and marvel at the deeds of people we admire;

Their lives seem so especially powerful and they truly inspire.

They live nobly and their deeds are good and outstanding;

It is natural to speak of them with a joy that is appealing.


But as we look more closely, we recognize God’s Hand;

These are wonderful servants of His fulfilling His Plan.

It is the power of God that enabled them to enjoy success;

The Lord is more than happy His faithful servants to bless!


How may we truly have God work in us so that we succeed?

The first thing is for us to read His word and to take great heed.

Through His word the Lord would give needed enlightenment;

The heart is inspired to read further and His wisdom to discern!


The Lord will help and enable everyone who seeks Him humbly;

He desires all His servants to have a great and fruitful ministry.

Many hearts would be blessed along life’s challenging pathway;

God will continue to teach and to guide His servants every day!


Inspiration: Philippians 2:13

Charles Tan