It is wonderful to know and believe in Jesus the Lord;
Lazarus, Martha and Mary had a genuine faith in God.
They opened their home and heart to the Lord Jesus;
Having Him to eat and rest in their home was blessedness.
One day, Lazarus seriously fell ill and died unexpectedly;
The Lord did not come in time to heal Lazarus immediately.
The heart of Martha and Mary were utterly broken;
They wept bitterly and deep in their soul, they groaned.
The Lord Jesus came to them, urging them to believe;
But grief had crept in and His words brought no relief.
If only they believed fully the awesome power of the Lord;
They would have been able to trust in the power of God!
We do not lay blame on Martha and Mary in their grief;
We also struggle with our faith and thus there is no relief.
The challenge is for us to find a greater and deeper faith in God;
This would enable us to hold fast to the promises of the Lord!
Inspiration: John 11:1-44
Charles Tan