

At ISS, our students are young teens aged 13 to 16. Our focus is to be there for them and help them face the changes they are going through in life. This can only be achieved when they know God at a personal level as their Saviour.

At our ISS Worship session, we teach our students what true worship is and how they can honour God. Class sizes are intentionally kept small to enable teachers to know their students well and to facilitate interaction between class members.

ISS Goals are:

  1. To confirm the salvation of our students, that they know God as their personal Saviour.
  2. To teach Bible principles and Christian values.
  3. To deepen our students’ understanding of the Bible.
  4. To help young teens apply what they have learnt to their daily lives through Bible books and topics that are relevant to today’s teens.
  5. To build spiritual disciplines such as daily personal reading of God’s Word and how to pray and wait upon God.
  6. To forge a bond between our teachers and students with teachers functioning as their mentors.
  7. To teach our students to have a genuine concern for people e.g. support Missions work in our IPC family.

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Joshua 1:8

Youth Worship

A worship service made specially for young people. Challenging, thought-provoking messages bring out the reality and relevance of faith and God’s Word in meeting life’s challenges.

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Young People's Group

YPG is a place where young people first grow in faith and knowledge (YPG1) and then in skill and service to God (YPG2).

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Teachers & Classes

Teacher Evangeline's Class

Our ISS Teachers

Teacher Louisa's Class

Teacher Peng Hui's Class

Teacher Rachel's Class

Teacher Yvette's Class

Teacher Carolyn and Teacher Amelia's Class

Teacher Chen Siang's Class

Teacher Delorin's Class

Teacher Evangeline's Class

Our ISS Teachers


  • Grace Lim

    by Grace Lim

    ISS is a place where I grew much in my faith. I thank God for the support and care from my Sunday School teachers and Church friends, especially when …

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  • Sylvia Chan

    by Sylvia Chan

    There is so much I have gained from ISS and from my teachers. In 2 Peter, the Apostle Peter introduced himself as a bondservant.

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  • James Tan

    by James Tan

    My Sunday school teacher, Teacher Peng Hui, has shown great care toward us, faithfully teaching us the Lord’s Word every Sunday and its application …

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  • Mathias Koh

    by Mathias Koh

    My Sunday school teachers have always been looking out for me all these years. Teacher Peng Hui has been constantly supporting us. He makes it a point …

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  • Samuel Tan

    by Samuel Tan

    2014 was a year of great uncertainty for me as I sat for my GCE N-Level Examination. Teacher Gerald reminded me of God’s everlasting love and His …

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