Senior Sunday School 1 (SSS1) ministers to young people from 17 years old to young adults (National Servicemen and tertiary students) preparing to enter the workforce.
A poll of our young people revealed some of their key concerns:
Young people are often caught up with such concerns and struggle to navigate an increasingly complex world on their own. We believe that the Bible is not only relevant in addressing such concerns, but it will, more importantly, point us to the One who can give us everlasting life and a higher perspective of life on this earth.
We study the Bible each Sunday and learn to interact with the Scriptures, which point us to a loving God who saved us through the Lord Jesus Christ and who guides us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We also develop meaningful friendships with Sunday School teachers and fellow students through class outings, department gatherings, singing together, playing together and supporting one another.
If you would like to know more about SSS1 or would like to join us one Sunday, please contact Pastor Jonathan Jacob at jonathanjacob@bethanyipc.sg