The Sunday School lesson that really impacted my heart was taught from James 2:18-26. The message that James gave to the twelve tribes of the Dispersion was that they should have a genuine faith that was accompanied by and manifested in works.
This lesson so deeply impacted me, that it caused me to check if:
(1) My faith continued to be genuine after all these years.
(2) And if so, whether it was expressed in a life that was bearing fruit for the Lord!Â
As I pondered over this, I realized how dangerous it was for one to assume faith. James explained in verse 19 that even the demons believe and tremble! If my faith was genuinely true, it should motivate me beyond the verbal and empty profession of faith into actual acts of service!
The example of Abraham further challenged me to desire the same kind of faith that Abraham had – one that was proven by Abraham’s obedience to God, and a belief that was true and strong even in the toughest circumstances of life.
As such, I truly thank God that I can have faith in Him and the privilege of serving Him. I am grateful that there are so many avenues to serve the Lord and His people in Bethany. The challenge is for me to take heed of James’ words – to never make empty proclamations of faith, but to express and complete it with the daily works that the Lord has enabled me to do. As it is written in James 1:27 “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”