
The Chinese Worship is an extension of Bethany’s Worship Ministry that seeks to better cater to our Chinese-speaking worshippers. Messages are prepared in a way that would be relevant and practical especially to those who are in their evening years.

Latest Message

2024年6月至30日早晨崇拜会 : 我怜悯这众人
Text: 马太福音15:29-39

2024年5月至6月证道主题 : 主事工中更深渊的教训

30 Jun 2024

Pulpit Theme for May-June 2024

“Things Pertaining to the Kingdom of God”

The Lord Jesus began His ministry with preaching the Kingdom of God. “I must preach the kingdom of God… because for this purpose I have been sent” Luke 4:43. The Church must ever be focused on preaching the things pertaining to the kingdom of God! Join us on Sundays to learn more.